If you are needing documents printed, please email them to us and we will print your items. Email to:  cglib@tctelco.net or cgkids@tctelco.net

Hours of Operation:

Monday:        10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday:       10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday:     10:00 am – 6:00 pm
                   Friday:           10:00 am – 4:00 pm                          First Saturday of each month:  9:00am – 12:00pm

*Closed Holidays, dates around holidays and additional days for training at Director’s discretion.

Story Time Caterpillar

Every Tuesday @ 10:00 am Kids ages 0-5 yrs old **Beginning Aug 20, 2024**
Contact Information:

829 West Main Street
Council Grove, KS. 66846

Phone: 620-767-5716
Email: cglib@tctelco.net
Fax: 620-767-7312

Card Catalog
State Library of Kansas Library Card

New Books!

Picture book

The Vert family is celebrating a very special occasion: it’s Ivan’s birthday! And Estie knows that every birthday needs a great party, with lots of guests, party hats, and twinkling tin foil stars. Because that is what everyone wants on their birthday, right? But did Estie ever ask Ivan?

Junior Fiction

After her dad abruptly abandons her family and her mom moves them a million miles from their Chicago home, Noor Khan is forced to start the last quarter of her senior year at a new school, away from everything and everyone she knows and loves. Reeling from being uprooted and deserted, Noor is certain the key to survival is to keep her head down and make it to graduation. But things aren’t so simple.


New York City, Y2K, Lily Chen is an unpaid intern who meets Matthew. Matthew is everything Lily is not: easygoing and effortlessly attractive, a native East Coaster and, most notably, heir to a vast pharmaceutical empire. Lily couldn't be more different: flat-broke, raised in Tampa, the only child of scientists who fled Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Despite all this, Lily and Matthew fall in love. In 2021, Nick Chen wants to know what his mother, Lily, is hiding.

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