Donate to Your Library
The library is happy to take donations, and we are thankful for the generosity of the community and all the donations we receive. However, we do have a few requests for donations because we do not like to throw away items.
We Accept:
Cake Pans
Paper Towels
Craft Supplies
Hand Soap
Hand Sanitizer
We Do Not Accept:
VHS Tapes
Reader’s Digest Books
Textbooks (Including college)
Technology Books (dated before 2017)
Music CDs
Cassette Tapes
We ask that donated materials be free of mold, mildew, water damage, torn covers, missing pages, and insects – we do not like bugs; especially spiders.

Book of Honor
A gift to your library is a gift to your community. In 2004, the Council Grove Public Library introduced the Book of Honor, designed and built by Jim Selby, which displays plaques honoring memorials and gift donors of $500.00 or more. This donation can be made over a period of 24 months and is tax deductible. The Book of Honor currently holds over 35 name plaques, but since it was designed to resemble a book, our goal is to add pages of donors. For more information about donating, please contact the library.