Library FAQ
How to Get a Library Card
A free library card is issued to anyone who fills out a library card registration form and presents proof of identification and current address. Minors under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian sign the library card registration form. A parent or legal guardian’s identification may be used for minors. A parent or legal guardian has legal responsibility for his or her child’s use of the library including lost or damaged items.
Identification should include:
- Photographic identification, such as a valid drivers license, passport, valid student I.D., or valid military I.D. card.
- Proof of current street address, such as recently postmarked mail.
- Parents or guardians must also supply the correct birth date for minors.
Library cards are required for use of library resources to protect the patron and the library from fraud or misuse of their accounts. Patrons should present their library card each time they check out an item or wish to use a library computer. If patrons do not have their card with them, staff may request photographic identification.
Sign me up for a Council Grove Public Library Card!
When Can My Child Get a Library Card?
We strongly recommend that children wait until they are seven (7) before getting a library card. At that age, we feel that children are generally able to select their own library materials and are able to understand some of the responsibility of taking care of the item(s) they check out.
Until then, we advise that children check out on a parent or guardian’s library card.

What is the Checkout Limit for Library Items?

The following are the limits for library items:
- Books……………………….50 per household
- Audio Books……………….5 per household
- Children’s Books………..50 per household
- Magazines………………….5 per household
- DVDs…………………………..5 per household
- Blu-Rays………………………3 per household
- Puzzles………………………..3 per household
- Cake Pans……………………No current limit
I’d like to see the Card Catalog.
How to Renew Items
To renew library items you can either bring the item in or give us a call and renew it over the phone with one of our staff members. If you call us after hours, you can leave a message on our answering machine. and we will renew your items the following business day. During COVID-19, you can also Facebook message us to renew your items.
Items not available for renewal are DVDs, Blu-Rays, and Magazines.

We are now FINE FREE 😁

CGPL is now a FINE FREE library!! We kindly ask you return the items in good condition on your Due Date. If you lose or damage the items you have checked out, you will be charged the replacement cost of the item. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk with the Director.
Books……………….3 Weeks
Magazines……….1 Week no renewals
DVDs……………….2 Weeks no renewals
Blu-Rays…………..2 Weeks no renewals
Audio Books…….3 Weeks
CASH or CHECK ONLY -- we do NOT accept Credit or Debit cards.
Activities for My Family to Attend
Every summer we offer the Summer Reading Program which is for all ages. We use this program to encourage youth to maintain their reading skills during the summer months. Youth participants join in group activities and share books.
We also provide weekly Story Time on Tuesdays at 10:00 am during the school year for ages 0-5. During these programs, we sing, read, and make a small craft for the children to take home to their families. Parents, grandparents, and guardians are encouraged to participate. This is currently offered on Facebook in the CGPL Story Time Parents group.
Our staff is currently working on providing more programs for our patrons. If you have a suggestions for a program, please call the library at 620-767-5716.